Everybody Thinks They Are ‘Pro-Life’, Well, Good News, Everybody Is

Ah, that ‘pro-life’ argument over and over again.

Before, those two words are like well-kept and treasured steak knives reserved only for special occasions — not to be used during regular meals.

Now, it’s everybody’s battle cry. ‘Pro-life’ is lambasted, abused, and most of all, misused.

Maybe, one good reason for its excessive use is that self-proclaimed geniuses want to use a term so complex yet so appealing for the people. They want the people to be wowed with that term — imagine, two of the most positive words are combined — ‘pro’ and ‘life’. Genuis? Not quite.

Like steak knives, everybody knows it exist, but only few really knows how to use it.

‘Pro-life’, everybody is one. Everybody. Anybody. All of us is a pro-life. It is impossible not to be a pro-life yet living. If someone is anti-life, he or she is dead by now. 

‘Pro-life’ means someone who supports life. Everybody supports life, may it be his life, his family’s life, or his neighbor’s life. It is natural and compulsory to be pro-life, it is a universal instinct. Nobody wants to be dead. By simply wanting not to be dead is being pro-life. One side cannot own that they are pro-life and the other is not. It is complete stupidity.

One favor, please, don’t use the term ‘pro-life’ argument ever again. Please. Don’t make yourself look idiot, we have too many of them already in this world, don’t ride the bandwagon. Instead, use ‘anti-abortion’, ‘anti-poverty’, ‘anti-population explosion’, ‘pro-RH bill’, ‘anti-RH bill’, ‘pro-contraceptives’, ‘anti-contraceptives’, but don’t use ‘pro-life’ because everybody is one.

Those who say that they are ‘anti-life’ are hypocrites, why are they still alive if they are anti-life? Those who say that other people are anti-life  are stupid, how come they are still alive if they are anti-life? 

Don’t be stupid, use the correct terms. ‘Pro-life’ is not a smorgasbord of all the good things that you can use every time you want to look better and smarter.

Oy to the World

Stand-up comedian/ Philosopher

Reality check:

“…all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There’s no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we’re the imagination of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.”

– Bill Hicks